• Obstetric & Neonatal Care

    Resources to help you plan for a perinatal care surge response

    We've compiled some resources to help you prepare during the COVID-19 pandemic specifically across perinatal care. 

  • Corometrics 170

    Noninvasively tracks a baby’s heart rate for non-stress tests to deliver accurate information. Compact, lightweight, and designed for antepartum applications in offices or...
  • Giraffe Warmer

    The Giraffe Warmer helps provide a nurturing, life-sustaining environment that fosters growth and is designed to meet the needs of the NICU/PICU patient and clinician.
  • Giraffe Stand-alone Infant Resuscitation System

    Bringing life-saving capabilities virtually anywhere.
  • BiliSoft 2.0 Phototherapy System

    The BiliSoft™ 2.0 Phototherapy System helps provide family-centered care virtually anywhere—in the NICU, pediatrics units, well-baby nurseries, and even at hom...
  • Giraffe Shuttle

    Transportable power source that facilitates the mobility of GE Healthcare Giraffe beds and Panda Warmers within a hospital building.
  • Giraffe OmniBed Carestation

    Creates a seamless healing microenvironment.
  • Giraffe Incubator Carestation

    Advanced technology with a family-centric approach.
  • Centricity Perinatal Software

    Elevate performance and drive quality outcomes across the departments. 

Giraffe Stories

The Giraffe Story Mobile is a resource for parents, designed to raise awareness about NICUs and premature baby care equipment.

Clinical Webinars
