Liver ASSIST Virtual Parenchyma

Liver ASSIST Virtual Parenchyma,1 is a 3D Visualization software solution designed to provide AI based virtual parenchymography to help you simulate injections dynamically and thus, perform liver embolization procedures with confidence.
At a glance


AI liver segmentation and feeding vessels identification 

Interactive real-time simulation

On Volume Rendering and Cross-Sections to help define your embolization strategy

Dynamic simulation of injections

Display Virtual Parenchymography

Augment your liver embolization simulation with AI based virtual parenchymography

Liver ASSIST Virtual Parenchyma is a solution created due to the challenge of multiple image acquisitions that are often necessary to analyze complex vasculature and evaluate liver territory perfusion, thus increasing radiation dose, contrast media usage and procedure time. 

Liver ASSIST Virtual Parenchyma provides interactive real-time simulation in both Volume Rendering and cross-sectionss2

Designed to enable one-click segmentation of liver vasculature from a CBCT acquisition. Designed for real-time highlight of vessels to simulate potential injection points. Parenchyma analysis provides real-time visualization of estimated parenchyma related to selected arteries.


Simulate injection in real-time before treatment. Augment liver embolization simulation capabilities with AI based virtual parenchymography related to selected points of interest.


Single-click fusion imaging between the live fluoroscopic image and the vessels highlighted for 3D fusion guidance.3 Facilitates catheter tip positioning in complex vascular anatomies for more selective embolization procedures in the liver.


The outcome of the treatment is then controlled with CBCT.4
  1. Liver ASSIST Virtual Parenchyma solution includes Hepatic VCAR and FlightPlan for Liver with Parenchyma Analysis option and requires AW workstation with Volume Viewer, Volume Viewer Innova, Vision 2, VesselIQ Xpress, Autobone Xpress. These applications are sold separately. FlightPlan for Liver with Parenchyma Analysis option may not be available for sale
  2. Images obtained from investigational device, limited by United States law to investigational use.
  3. To guide, Liver ASSIST Virtual Parenchyma solution requires Vessel ASSIST solution which includes Vision 2, VesselIQ Xpress, Autobone Xpress. Liver ASSIST Virtual Parenchyma and Vessel ASSIST are sold separately.
  4. 3DCT HD is an option sold separately. Includes 3DXR. Requires AW workstation and Volume Viewer. Available only on Innova IGS 5, Innova IGS 6, DiscoveryAllia IGS 7, Allia IGS 7 OR and Allia IGS 5.
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