Leading the Way in Prostate Cancer Care with Innovative Technology

When GE HealthCare acquired BK Medical, it invested in a trusted leader in urology ultrasound imaging with over 50 years of experience empowering physicians to make critical decisions when it matters most. The bkPortfolio of Active Imaging systems help surgeons visualize anatomy and lesions, guide interventions, and navigate to where they need to be. Dr. Victoria Bird, Urologist, CEO Urologic Integrated Care, specializes in prostate care and was looking for technology that could elevate patient care and offer valuable insights to help patients better understand their disease. Her search led her to the bkPortfolio.


Advanced Prostate Imaging Technology

“I don’t hide that I have very good equipment,” says Dr. Bird. She uses a bk3000 ultrasound system with integrated bkFusion technology, powered by MIM Software, which provides real-time, high-resolution prostate images from several angles designed to facilitate faster examinations and biopsy procedures. Together, the bk3000 and its transducers allow for comprehensive imaging of the prostate, regardless of its size.[1]

Targeted biopsies are essential in prostate care because they help diagnose clinically significant prostate cancer. The biopsy results help assess the aggressiveness of the cancer, guiding treatment decisions. Biopsies also monitor disease progression and can target specific areas within the prostate using advanced techniques like MRI-ultrasound fusion guided biopsies. This critical information enables urologists to make informed decisions about patient care and treatment options.

Dr. Bird is a strong advocate for personalized, patient-centered medicine. She is committed to adopting innovative approaches and continually seeks advanced solutions to make a meaningful difference for her patients. Clinicians like Dr. Bird have relied on the bkPortfolio of imaging solutions throughout their careers, praising the high quality of these products including the intuitive user interface design, which has assisted her mastery of the technology.

Innovative Approach to Patient Care

Driven by a commitment to learning and using the most technologically advanced solutions, Dr. Bird takes an innovative approach to patient care. Her advanced understanding of prostate MRI has allowed her to fully leverage the bk3000 ultrasound system and bkFusion technology in order to benefit a variety of patients, particularly those with challenging lesions.

bkFusion, an advancement in visualization and guidance, fuses real-time ultrasound images with pre-exam MRI data to provide guidance to help accurately target lesions identified on the MRI images. bkFusion is clinically proven to have effective detection rates with real-time MRI-ultrasound fusion during the prostate biopsy, as shown by Immerzeel, et al.[2] This technology, which uses MIM Software’s Predictive Fusion®, offers a simultaneous display of MRI and real-time ultrasound images. By synthesizing prostate MRI images with real-time ultrasound on one monitor, Dr. Bird can effectively target and biopsy difficult lesions.

The bk3000 ultrasound system with bkFusion is designed to enhance both efficiency and efficacy in biopsy procedures. Dr. Bird stated, “The system's ability to produce high-resolution images boosts my confidence in performing accurate biopsies.” Additionally, bkFusion technology has been shown to detect 84% of Prostate Imaging Reporting and Data System (PI-RADS) 3-5 lesions and up to 81% Grade Groups (GG) ≥ 2 cancer, making it a reliable tool for clinicians.[2]

Improved Patient Care with Targeted Biopsies

bkFusion utilizes Predictive Fusion®, powered by MIM Software, with rigid registration, which Dr. Bird called “a significant advantage in my targeted biopsies.” The Predictive Fusion® algorithm with ReSlicer® virtual transducer reorients the prostate for a familiar biopsy workflow, resulting in efficient fusion biopsies.[3],[4] It allows urologists to identify errors in the overlay of MRI and ultrasound images, maintaining the integrity of data sets.

Adoption, Access and Growth in Prostate Imaging

As a solo practitioner, Dr. Bird is proud of her investment in the bk3000 with bkFusion technology, which enables her to provide comprehensive care across the prostate cancer care continuum. She is an early adopter of technology and is intrigued by the potential of multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging (mpMRI), multiparametric ultrasound (mpUS) and artificial intelligence (AI) in prostate imaging.

Prostate Volume Assist (PVA)**, an AI-enabled software feature available on the bkActiv, bk3000/5000 and bkSpecto for automatic prostate measurements, excites Dr. Bird due to its potential to enhance patient care and comfort by streamlining the prostate exam process.

“Prostate Volume Assist can save you one to two minutes during your volumetric measuring task, which is a substantial amount of time savings over the course of the day/week, and this I believe helps in patient care and comfort,” says Dr. Bird.

Embracing Future Technological Advancements

Embracing new technology and understanding its benefits is crucial for urologists. As a technology-driven specialty, urology presents significant opportunities to integrate advanced technologies. A recent study revealed that nearly half of urologists believe new technologies, particularly advanced imaging and AI, will have the most significant impact on the field in the coming years.[5] GE HealthCare is dedicated to developing innovative systems and solutions that enable clinicians to provide high quality care. By leveraging these advancements, urologists may enhance patient outcomes and streamline workflows in the ever-evolving landscape of prostate cancer care.

* Dr. Bird is a consultant for GE HealthCare. The statements by Dr. Bird described here are based on her own opinions and on results that were achieved in her unique setting. Since there is no “typical” hospital and many variables exist, i.e. hospital size, case mix, etc., there can be no guarantee that other customers will achieve the same results.

** PVA is available across the bkPortfolio on the bkActiv, bk3000/5000 and bkSpecto. System software may require an upgrade to Use PVA; PVA may not be available in your country. Please contact your local representative to confirm availability.

[1] Data on file 1

[2] Immerzeel J., Israël B., Bomers J., et al. Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging for the Detection of Clinically Significant Prostate Cancer: What Urologists Need to Know. Part 4: Transperineal Magnetic Resonance–Ultrasound Fusion Guided Biopsy Using Local Anesthesia. Journal of European Urology. 2021.

[3] Data on file 2

[4] Data on file 3

[5] The Desai Sethi Urology Institute. (2024). The State of Urology. University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. Accessed: January 2, 2024.
