X-ray is the oldest form of imaging and a valuable tool on the frontlines of patient care, accounting for over 60 percent of all imaging exams1. To address the needs of those on the frontlines today as well help manage the daily complexities of patient care, positioning and exam setup, GE HealthCare continues to reinvent X-ray to be one of the most intuitive and technologically powerful imaging tools ready to withstand today and tomorrow’s most challenging hospital conditions.

Definium 656 HD
The Definium 656 HD is the company’s most advanced fixed X-ray system yet. The system acts like a ‘personal assistant’ by delivering consistent, efficient, and highly automated exams while simplifying workflow, improving consistency, and reducing errors to help keep radiology departments running smoothly. The overhead tube suspension (OTS) system features the highest levels of motorization, automation, assistive intelligence and advanced applications along with the fastest movement and highest weight capacity in GE HealthCare’s fixed X-ray portfolio. Key features of Definium 656 HD to help make care decisions faster, include: VolumeRAD Digital Tomosynthesis, which brings three-dimensional (3D) imaging into the radiography room to help resolve inconclusive x-rays with minimal added radiation; and Dual Energy Subtraction (160 ms), which can help improve diagnostic confidence in chest or abdominal studies by eliminating obstructions from overlying bones while providing additional information on calcifications.

Definium Tempo
Definium Tempo is a fixed, overhead tube suspension (OTS) digital X-ray system designed to be a "personal assistant" to radiologists and technologists — leveraging automation to reducing workflow burdens and help radiology departments deliver the best patient care possible. It is designed to work with the technologist to operate efficiently and provide consistent, high-quality images, while allowing for more quality time with the patient.

Definium Pace Select ET
Another offering within the fixed X-ray portfolio, includes Definium Pace Select ET – a versatile, digital, floor mounted X-ray system that offers a range of capabilities and configurations to optimally match clinical needs.3  To help improve accessibility to high-quality medical imaging technology, the system is designed to produce consistent, high-quality images and includes a number of automation and workflow features to ease the burden on technologists and drive efficiency at a competitive price point.

AMX Navigate
As the entry point to diagnostic imaging in the emergency room, inpatient bedside imaging and the intensive care unit (ICU), GE Healthcare’s AMX Navigate continues to demonstrate its rugged reliability as the next generation of mobile digital X-ray designed to address key challenges impacting technologist stress and strain. The system’s power-assisted Free Motion telescoping column helps to decrease technologist strain by reducing lift force up to 70 percent.4 The latest FlashPad Plus digital detectors are exceptionally lightweight and designed to hold up to wear and tear of fast-paced X-ray environments with high patient volumes. The latest FlashPad Plus 14x17 is up to 40% lighter compared to the FlashPad HD for the same size.

Critical Care Suite
Critical Care Suite is a collection of AI algorithms embedded on X-ray systems for automated measurements, case prioritization and quality control. The latest version, Critical Care Suite 2.1, provides immediate on-device detection and triage notifications for the presence or absence of pneumothorax (PTX). When a PTX is detected, an overlay is displayed in the area where the PTX was located both on-device and in PACS to assist with PTX localization, as well as improve speed and accuracy of PTX diagnosis. By hosting Critical Care Suite on-device, critical insights are available at the point of care and across the entire clinical care team.

Quality Care Suite (QCS) 2.0
Quality Care Suite enables the delivery of high quality, radiologist-ready images for every patient – including pediatric patients, a first for GE HealthCare X-ray AI. The collection of AI algorithms operate in parallel with the capability to detect quality errors and auto-rotate X-ray images across 7 anatomies, 6 views and 10 patient sizes that includes both adult and pediatric populations (e.g. “babygrams”). QCS 2.0 helps technologists improve image quality and overall imaging efficiency for 85% of the most common exams.5

Precision CRF
Designed for clinical excellence, effortless workflow, and versatility, Precision CRF includes an overhead tube suspension (OTS), high-quality digital detectors, intelligent exposure control, and Advanced Image Processing software to enhance imaging capabilities. The Precision CRF provides the ability to do more with a fully capable X-ray suite allowing radiologists to cover all of their radiography exams, including bariatric and pediatric cases, with a single system.

Upgrade and Lift Solutions
To keep current with imaging technology, X-ray upgrade and lift solutions are an economical, smart, sustainable, and efficient way to maximize X-ray equipment lifecycle and value – adding new capabilities while minimizing downtime and reusing as many original parts as possible to maximize the value of existing X-ray equipment. Upgrade and lift solutions are available for Definium 656 HD, Definium Tempo and AMX Navigate.

Linh Dinh
Communications Director
M: +1 408.275.5682

1MV 2019 X-ray CR / DR Market Outlook Report) page 9, 37
2 Definium 656 HD is a commercial configuration of the Discovery XR656.
3 Definium™ Pace Select ET is 510(k) cleared with the FDA. Not yet CE Marked. Not available for sale. Definium Pace Select ET is a commercial configuration of Definium Pace Select.
4Free Motion telescoping column upwards motion lift force (11.0 N) compared to the average upwards motion lift force of comparison systems with a non-motorized column (35.7 N).to hold up to wear and tear of fast-paced X-ray environments with high patient volumes. The latest FlashPad Plus 14x17 is up to 40% lighter compared to the FlashPad HD for the same size.
5 Based on anonymous usage data collected from 775 GE HealthCare X-Ray systems over a 6-month period ending in July 2022.
