More than an exam. An experience.
An all-encompassing interactive experience designed to help you take mammography to a whole new place.
Experience Starts at Home
The SensorySuite experience starts when your patient chooses your facility for her mammogram. An online presentation, available through your facility’s website, can explain the SensorySuite exam.
Continues in the Waiting Room
Your patient visualizes the experience on a tablet PC. Decorative wall panels help set the mood.
Culminates in the Exam Room
A flat-screen monitor will display soothing video and relaxing ambient sounds of the selected environment. A scent diffuser gently infuses the air with SensorySuite’s light calming fragrance.
Less anxiety
Encourage screening, by helping reduce the fear, worry and anxiety of getting a mammogram.
A relaxed body means better diagnostic imaging
Mammography exams can be perceived as uncomfortable, unnerving and intimidating. One-fourth of all women avoid mammograms out of fear1. Help reduce the fear, worry, and anxiety of getting a mammogram by making the mammography experience less intimidating.*
*Impact of Environment on Patient Experience in Women Undergoing Mammography: Preliminary Results of a Patient Satisfaction Survey (Shakira Sarquis-Kolber, RT(R), MBA; Kathy Schilling, MD; Elizabeth Linden, MSN)
Differentiate your facility
Promote your SensorySuite solution to women and referring physicians.
With the SensorySuite marketing tool kit1
Advertise and promote your SensorySuite solution to women and referring physicians in your community. For example, use the fact sheet and the press release, pictures and videos for local PR activities.
A comprehensive set of marketing tools is available to help you promote your SensorySuite to women and referring physicians in your area.
Materials include:
- Letter to referring physicians
- Fact sheet and press release for your local PR efforts
- Patient reminder card
- Pictures and short video
- Interactive patient presentation for your facility's web page
Stimulating 3 senses
GE 3D Mammography