
Our commitment to people and our planet

View our efforts



    With the growing threat of climate change, systemic inequality and global health disparities, we recognize that following through on our sustainability goals has never been more essential. We want to enable earlier, better, and faster diagnosis and treatment for more people in need, while reducing or eliminating our impact on the environment.

    Progress on access


    Announced the planned establishment of a GE HealthCare Foundation in 2024 to support the Company’s corporate philanthropy and volunteerism strategies


    Supported Ukraine with $5 million worth of life-saving ultrasound and monitoring equipment

    White House Maternal Health Call to Action

    Committed to helping hospitals deliver excellent patient care to every mother and baby through increased focus on delivering our Mural Labor & Delivery care solution to 300 hospitals

    We are taking intentional steps to create change for our colleagues and patients.

    Progress on Planet


    Reduction in operational GHG emissions since 2019, in line with our near-term goal to reduce Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 50% by the year 2030 and achieve net zero by 2050


    Registered with the Science Based Targets initiative with the commitment to provide climate impact reduction key performance indicators (KPIs) and targets for validation by year-end 2023

    UN Global Compact

    Joined the UN Global Compact to align with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) and support efforts to fulfill them

    HHS/White House Pledge

    Joined the Department of Health and Human Services / White House pledge to decarbonize the health sector and make healthcare facilities more resilient to the effects of climate change
    Progress on circular environment

    11 Million Pounds

    GoldSeal™ circularity program reused and recycled 11 million pounds (5.15M kilograms of material from 6,700 recovered machines

    Download our inaugural Sustainability Report

    GE HealthCare signed on to the UN Global Compact (UNGC) in 2023

    GE HealthCare signed on to the UN Global Compact (UNGC) in 2023 and stated its commitment to adopt sustainable and socially responsible policies, and report annually on their implementation. Specifically, GE HealthCare commits to uphold the UNGC’s Ten Principles, which provide operational guidance in the areas of human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption.

    Our latest reports

    Learn more about how we are working on sustainability
