Imaging insights allows you to make informed decisions to help improve outcomes.

Imaging Insights: Data intelligence around improved visibility. Actionable insights. Better outcomes.
Equipment utilization
Identify variations in equipment usageDose
Practice-level dose and complianceProtocols
Protocol standardization and optimizationStaff
Training needs and opportunitiesSchedule
Throughput and backlog improvementsPatient experience
Identify and reduce wait timeReferrals
Doctors and facilities with the most referralsData quality
Validated machine and RIS data
We’re committed to customer success

Radiomed MR performance improvement after Imaging Insights*
- Increase in number of exams per week
- Week reduction in patient wait times
- Additional revenue per year****
Customer testimonials

Give your imaging department even more visibility
Supporting materials
* Commercially available for MR and CT.
** Radiomed customer testimonial, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGOsiBbRaUE
*** For certain examination types.
**** Estimate based on one customer. GE Healthcare cannot guarantee the same outcome for all customers.