Featured Offerings

  • All-inclusive coverage
    Everything included and no riders. Holistic coverage includes regular preventative maintenance, parts coverage, remote monitoring and access to troubleshooting by GE engineers.
  • Tube Care *
    For those concerned about tube replacements, this warranty plan covers all the essentials.
  • Tube Watch *
    A proactive tube monitoring solution using analytics and algorithms to predict tube exhaustion.
  • AW Workstation
    A rich 3D image processing toolset that helps you visualize and interpret your CT with confidence and ease.
  • Technology Protection
    Coverage includes console upgrade (where applicable) as well as regular software updates.
  • Digital Expert* & Education
    Virtual face-to-face training for you and your team as well as access to WeConnect for clinical webinars, tutorials and protocols built by experts. Connect, share and learn.
  • 360 Service & Remote Diagnostic
    360 service event visibility with remote management support, critical sub-system alerts and remote troubleshooting assistance.
  • Marketing Support Toolkit**
    Access to digital and marketing collateral templates to help you with your promotional efforts.
*Available only for Revolution Evo and Revolution Maxima
**Marketing activation costs not included

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