
Thoracic VCAR

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Comprehensive evaluation of CT lung images.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), which encompasses chronic bronchitis and emphysema, impedes normal breathing. Chronic bronchitis inflames and scars the bronchial tubes and, over time, can thicken the airway wall and restrict normal airflow. Emphysema destroys lung tissue, particularly the alveoli, impeding the normal exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood. Making quantitative measurements of COPD's extent can help referring physicians and patients develop better regimens for managing this condition.

Thoracic VCAR gives you the ability to make quantitative measurements of the lungs to aid in the diagnosis of lung disease. The application blends automated lung and airway segmentation with basic review and advanced lung tissue analysis. Using Thoracic VCAR you can generate a clear, concise report that communicates vital medical information to referring physicians and patients.


  • Visually indicates location of condition for specific discussion of diagnosis and prognosis.
  • One-click basic 2D review of wall thickness. Shows inner and outer contours.
  • Automated segmentation of lungs and airways.
  • One-touch 3D airway tracking.
  • Automated measurements of wall thickness for intuitive airway analysis.
  • Lobe segmentation and visualization.
  • Application-specific tools that facilitate analysis of the anatomy and potential diseases.
  • Fast, interactive electronic patient reporting.
thoracic vcar lungs.
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System Requirements

Intended Use

CT Advanced Visualization

Interventional Advanced Visualization

PET Advanced Visualization