Understanding your challenges of your operating theatre
Our solutions to help you
Improved Operational & Clinical Excellence
50% less cancellations
for non-medical reasons1Increased operating room
utilization up to 89% 475% of cases start within 10 min of start time in the morning2
€2.4M material revenue gains
& in-hours capacity released2
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DISCLAIMER: Centricity™ Opera is not considered to be a medical device. The results expressed in this document may not be applicable to a particular site or installation and individual results may vary.
- Anesthesiology 2002; 96 A1145; K W Park: Scope of operating room cancellations for a busy university hospital vascular surgical service; MJA 20 June 2005, Vol 182, nr 12; W N Schofield, Rubin, M Piza, Y Yin Lai, D Sindhusake, M F Fernside, P Klineberg; Cancellation of operations on the day of intended surgery at a major Australian referral hospital3
- University Hospitals Conventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust (UHCW)
- OR Manager Vol 24, No 4, April 2008: Why are case estimates so often off?
- OR Manager, Aug 2000, Vol 16, No 8; OR’s benchmark activities for the day of surgery