Canvases of Care

Nurses spend countless hours caring for others. But sometimes that's hard to see. We want to celebrate the time that nurses put in, with each brush stroke equating to an hour of care provided. And because a nurse's job is never complete, neither are these paintings.

Detecting Invisible Illness in Women

This three-part series explores stories of women who struggled with invisible illness and clinicians who have dedicated their lives to helping women like Kate, Sarah and Brenna get answers with the help of ultrasound technology. GE HealthCare, in collaboration with BBC Story Works and the BIO Technology Association, has developed the series to uncover the challenges, courage, and hope of patients and clinicians in women’s health. To give those closest to healthcare a voice and encourage other to use theirs.

Kate’s Story

From a young age, Kate knew she wanted a family. But what she didn’t know then, was the journey to motherhood would be more complicated than expected. After experiencing miscarriages previously, Kate and her husband Aaron were nervous when they got pregnant again but were relieved when they found out that baby Ruby had a heartbeat! With the finish line in sight, at their 36 weeks scan, the pair faced a new hurdle when they were told that their baby girl may not live a full and healthy life.

Sarah’s Story

Just five days before her wedding, Sarah Watson, a healthy and active young woman, suffered a heart attack at age 29. Heart issues had always run on the male side of her family. Something that is not widely known is that one in five women dies from heart disease. It's an illness that kills six times more females than breast cancer.

Brenna’s Story

From eight years to a matter of seconds... There's a problem facing women globally each and every day, the misdiagnosis of endometriosis. Brenna Griffith is one of these women. The hope is that women will no longer have to suffer in silence.

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