Omnipaque™ (Iohexol)

Administered since 1982, this low osmolar contrast agent is indicated for intravenous, intra-arterial, intrathecal, body cavity and oral use in gastro-intestinal studies¹

Scan after Scan

Every 2 seconds, 5 patient procedures are performed using Omnipaque™²

Prescribing Confidence

No LOCM was better tolerated than Omnipaque in a prospective, randomized study of 8,931 CT patients³

Enhancing oral procedures

Patients preferred the taste of Omnipaque over barium sulfate contrast

Promoting workflow efficiency

Omnipaque is available in a range of bottle sizes to suit clinical needs

Omnipaque has been unsurpassed by any low-osmolar contrast media for either diagnostic efficacy or tolerability at equi-attenuating doses in head-to-head trials.12-23

Patient after patient

Omnipaque provides reliabilty and choice

• Indicated for intravenous, intra-arterial, body cavity, intrathecal and oral uses¹
• Approved for use in both adults and children¹
Scan after scan

Prescribing confidence with Omnipaque

In a prospective, randomized study of 8,391 CT patients, no LOCM was better tolerated than Omnipaque³
Taste after Taste

Enhancing oral procedures

• 81% of adult body CT patients, who expressed a preference, preferred Omnipaque over diatrizoate⁶
• 98% of paediatric patients undergoing abdominal CT, many of whom were under 5, drank the required volume of Omnipaque⁷
Bottle after Bottle

Omnipaque's +PLUSPAK packaging support departmental efficiency

• Colour coded labelling to prevent administration errors
• Important information to be is repeated upside down so it's easier to read at any angle
• Reducing hazard and downtime with no more broken bottles and injuries from the ring pulls⁸
• Reducing costs and environment impact with less storage space and lower disposal costs⁸⁻¹⁰
Scan after scan

Supporting patient throughput with Omnipaque 500mL capacity

• Omnipaque 500mL can be used for up to 24 hours from initial puncture. Chemical and physical stability has been demonstrated for 24 hours at 25˚C¹
• Omnipaque 500mL can aid with effficency with fewer bottle changes 11
• Omnipaque 500mL can aid economy by reducing the number of bottle spikes used11
• Omnipaque 500mL should only be used in connection with auto injectors/pumps approved for this volume1.

Prescribing Information

Please click here for Omnipaque prescribing information

Adverse events should be reported
Reporting forms and information can be found at:
Adverse events should also be reported to GE Healthcare at:

Educational programs

From advanced information to recent guidelines and standards, our resources can help you understand how using Omnipaque can improve your Radiology workflow.

  1. 1. UK Omnipaque Summary of Product Characteristics, January 2023
  2. 2. Data on File,GE HealthCare,Omnipaque Demand_2022
  3. 3. Gomi T et al. Eur Radiol 2010; 10(7):1631-5
  4. 4. Parakh A et al. Radiology 2019; 291(3): 620-29
  5. 5. McNamara M et al. Am J Roentgenol 2010; 195: 1137–41.
  6. 6. Smevik B, Westvik J. Acta Radiol 1990; 31: 601–4.
  7. 7. Marshall G. Radiography 2008; 14:128-34
  8. 8. Gricar J et al. Radiology Management 2007: Sept/Oct 34-42
  9. 9. Dhaliwal H et al. Int J Life Cycle Assess (2014) 19:1965-73
  10. 10. Sudgen D. Presented at UK North CT Radiographer Work. Leeds, March 2017
  11. 11. Lamb JT. Invest Radiol 1985; 20(Suppl.) S37–S43.
  12. 12. Rubin CME et al. Brit J Radiol 1987; 60: 133–5.
  13. 13. Harding JR et al. Brit J Radiol 1995; 68: 712–5.
  14. 14. Katayama H et al. Invest Radiol 2001; 36: 22–32.
  15. 15. Faykus MH et al. Invest Radiol 1994; 29 (Suppl.1): S98–S101.
  16. 16. Bischoff W. Fortschr Röntgenstr 1989; 128: 108–10.
  17. 17. Drouillard J et al. Acta Radiol 1996; 37 (Suppl.400): 56–61.
  18. 18. Legmann P et al. Eur Radiol 2001; 11: 2220–7.
  19. 19. Kaufman AJ et al. Urol Radiol 1990; 12: 56–60.
  20. 20. Cutcliff WB et al. Invest Radiol 1989; 24 (Suppl.1): S56–9.
  21. 21. Bertrand P et al. Acad Radiol 1995; 2: 683–6.
  22. 22. Krouwels MM et al. Eur J Radiol 1996; 22: 133–5.

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