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Introducing Discovery 670 DR

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Molecular imaging is more than a tool for seeing within the human body. It allows the search for something greater, the search for a deeply hidden truth known as a true discovery. It's the kind of discovery that is reproducible evidence of what is seen and often not seen.

This is the kind of discovery you are after every day for every patient. That it provides reproducible evidence is important. It means it can transcend the individual to make a greater impact on all patients, but it also means you can rely on it day in and day out to find disease and monitor its treatment. It provides the immediate answers and actionable information referring physicians count on and patients hope for.

Leading clinical discovery is about improving care for as many patients as possible. It’s about providing quality, quantitative results, but it’s also about making the impactful work you do every day available to more patients. To do this, you need your imaging technology to deliver more than quality results. You also need it to be future-ready, not only with the ability to support the needs of your growing nuclear medicine department, but capable of digitally connecting and enhancing each step of your workflow.

Discovery™ 670 DR was designed to help you lead clinical discovery with hybrid imaging. It’s a premium SPECT/CT system with the added flexibility of a standalone diagnostic CT. It delivers the accurate, reproducible results referring physicians require in a comfortable and streamlined exam experience.

Discovery 670 DR, working alongside our Xeleris™ workstation, also delivers on our vision of a fully-digital molecular imaging experience. This vision spans across the technology you use, to data collection and connectivity, to processing software, all the way through to the applications you use to interpret and communicate information. Together, these fully digital components will give you the best possible insights to guide not just your clinical outcomes, but your financial and operational outcomes as well - enabling true discovery for every patient that walks through your doors.

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The true test of performance for a SPECT/CT system goes beyond its lesion detection ability. It's in dose reduction, streamlined exams, robust CT solutions and quantitative applications. And most of all, it’s the flexibility to access clinical information and demonstrating the value of nuclear medicine to your referring physicians from anywhere at anytime.

Discovery 670 DR’s Elite NXT NM detectors were redesigned to address some of nuclear medicine’s biggest challenges. Shorter photomultiplier tubes combined with lean front-end electronics reduce analog noise and improve performance. And its collimators are optimized to enable high sensitivity, low septal penetration and high resolution even when the detectors are farther from the patient. The result is exceptional NEMA resolution for SPECT in a detector box that is 13 cm slimmer.

In a hybrid system your CT technology is just as important as your SPECT technology. Discovery 670 DR includes the latest in diagnostic CT technology. It’s a 16-slice system with IQ Enhancement technology that enables helical coverage speed equivalent to that of a 50-slice CT scanner at the same table speed1. Our standard feature, Neuro 3D filter (VISR) enables the same image quality by reducing the mA during the acquisition of head images, thereby optimizing the dose required2,3. In addition, ASiR™ may reduce radiation doses4, while Q.AC low dose CTAC enables improved image quality of SPECT studies5. And WideView enables attenuation correction throughout the entire SPECT FOV. Not only does this CT technology add clinical value to SPECT images, it can also function as an additional standalone CT asset that delivers advanced 3D CT imaging applications such as Calcium Scoring, CT Angiography, CTPA and other demanding neurology and ER applications.

Performance in molecular imaging is about generating results you can rely on day in and day out. These improvements to both SPECT and CT technology are the foundation for quantitative results. Results that are made even more valuable with the advanced applications included with the Xeleris workstation.


product-product-categories-nuclear-medicine-spect-ct scanners-discovery 670 new-icons-image 1.pngExceptional NEMA resolution for SPECT

-product-categories-nuclear-medicine-spect-ct scanners-discovery 670 new-icons-image 2.pngUp to 50 percent reduction in injected dose or scan time, with Evolution technology6

-product-categories-nuclear-medicine-spect-ct scanners-discovery 670 new-icons-image 3.pngLow dose attenuation correction with Q.AC while preserving SPECT quantitative accuracy7

-product-categories-nuclear-medicine-spect-ct scanners-discovery 670 new-icons-image 4.pngStandalone, MITA Smart Dose compliant CT capable of performing 95 percent of today’s CT exams

-product-categories-nuclear-medicine-spect-ct scanners-discovery 670 new-icons-image 5.pngEnabling reduced CT dose for patients of all ages with ASiR4 technology

-product-categories-nuclear-medicine-spect-ct scanners-discovery 670 new-icons-image 6.pngReduce total acquisition time for whole-body bone imaging to 16 minutes

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We believe that your future needs are best served when you decide the best time to purchase the latest in imaging and analytics technology. It’s why we’re committed not only to developing breakthrough technologies, but also to providing you with a strategic means of getting them.

Our vision for the future of molecular imaging is a completely digital experience. One that enhances each phase of your workflow with best-in-class technologies that can connect all the data you acquire and convert it into actionable insights.

To make this fully digital vision a reality, we created a platform that’s ready today to leverage software innovations capable of collecting data and converting it into insight-driven analytics. We also made it modular in design, which means transitioning to digital detection is as simple as exchanging the detector technology.

Discovery 670 DR is ready for each newly developed analytics application and, because of its modular design, it’s ready for already-available digital detection technology. This allows you to acquire the system that fits your needs today knowing that we can help you easily and cost effectively upgrade to a different system if your practice requires it.


-product-categories-nuclear-medicine-spect-ct scanners-discovery 670 new-icons-image 1.pngPursue improved clinical, operational and economic outcomes with a system ready to leverage advancements in digital solutions

-product-categories-nuclear-medicine-spect-ct scanners-discovery 670 new-icons-image 7.pngDigital-detection-ready platform secures your investment with an easy upgrade path to Discovery NM/CT 670 CZT to deliver CZT technology

-product-categories-nuclear-medicine-spect-ct scanners-discovery 670 new-icons-image 1.pngModular system design allows you to upgrade your system without having to do a complete system swap

-product-categories-nuclear-medicine-spect-ct scanners-discovery 670 new-icons-image 8.pngCost effective access to future innovations

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Dose is an important piece of the patient experience for many imaging modalities, but it becomes doubly important for hybrid images. With key innovations in both SPECT and CT technology, Discovery 670 DR helps support reduction of dose all around.

In nuclear medicine dose, image quality and time are closely linked. Historically, it’s been impossible to change one without having to adjust another. Evolution technology changes that relationship by applying a resolution recovery algorithm that models the collimator-detector response. The result permits up to half the scan time or up to half the dose while delivering the same image quality as from a full time or full dose scan6.

Innovative CT reconstruction, ASiR, has been clinically proven to allow for CT dose reduction. Conventional CT reconstruction techniques are simple and fast, but with a high sensitivity to noise and artifacts. By modeling the cause of noise for each patient and application type, ASiR reconstruction algorithm may allow for reduced mA in the acquisition of diagnostic images, thereby reducing the dose required4.

A system’s design can be the difference between spending five extra minutes setting up an exam and having five spare minutes to ensure your patient is comfortable. Discovery 670 DR helps you spend more time with your patients. Its new ergonomic cart streamlines collimator exchanges between exams. Scan ranges are easy to set with an interactive bedside ruler and positioning lights. And the Ignite user interface allows you to preprogram three step protocols allowing you to select the patient, study and image processing in a matter of seconds.


product-categories-nuclear-medicine-spect-ct scanners-discovery 670 new-icons-image 11.pngProvide shorter, more tolerable exams for greater patient comfort, with Evolution technology6

product-categories-nuclear-medicine-spect-ct scanners-discovery 670 new-icons-image 12.pngStreamlined exam setup leaves you with more time to interact with your patient while increasing throughput

-product-categories-nuclear-medicine-spect-ct scanners-discovery 670 new-icons-image 5.pngImprove patient experience with Q.AC, which helps lower CTAC doses

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To lead clinical discovery with hybrid imaging, you need quantitation. It’s what makes it possible to not only find disease, but to follow its response to treatment over time. It helped establish PET/CT as a valuable clinical tool and now, with recent advancements to technology, consistent and accurate quantitation is possible with SPECT/CT.

The quality of a quantitative result is measured by its reproducibility. Absolute quantitation means the results you generate would be the same even if the same lesion was in another patient, or if the exam occurred at a different time of day. Achieving this level of reproducibility puts greater demands on the accuracy of corrections for effects like tracer decay, scatter and attenuation. Consistency is paramount and it requires all your technology, from data acquisition to processing, to work together to create images suitable for quantitation.

Discovery 670 DR is a SPECT/CT built for quantitation. Improvements to detector performance enables exceptional spatial resolution for SPECT and planar images. It leverages CT-based attenuation and scatter correction along with Evolution6 image reconstruction. And ever-increasing computational power enables precise camera calibration for less variation between exams. It’s a SPECT/CT system with the right hardware and software to produce quantitative results you can rely on for every patient, every day.


product-product-categories-pet-ct-discovery mi-icons-image11.jpgMore accurately assess treatment response to guide your treatment planning decisions with quantitative accuracy

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The applications you use to interpret and communicate molecular information are just as important as the tracers used to highlight that information and the technology used to capture it.

Quantitative applications allow you to prove what you see and, more importantly, prove what can’t be seen. They give you the assurance to determine the best course of treatment and the confidence to adapt treatment. They also give you the information to build a database of accurate results. Results that can be used to better inform the decisions you make for each patient and also, to inform the research that will develop more specific indications for disease.

Xeleris is our proven workstation dedicated to nuclear medicine. In the past, Xeleris led the way with mobilized applications that gave you accessible, easy-to-use tools to enhance productivity. Now, our latest version of Xeleris is leading the way with modern, quantitative applications for nuclear medicine; applications that help give you greater confidence of absolute quantitation in customizable, easy-to-read reports across multiple care areas.


product-product-categories-nuclear-medicine-xeleris-xeleris 4-qbrain-image1.jpgAccurately diagnose neurodegenerative diseases with Q.Brain

product-product-categories-nuclear-medicine-xeleris-xeleris 4-quantitation-image2.jpgDiagnose pulmonary embolism by identifying V/Q mismatch with Q.Lung

product-product-categories-nuclear-medicine-xeleris-xeleris 4-quantitation-image3.jpgConfidently classify patients eligible for lung resection surgeries with Q.Lung

product-product-categories-nuclear-medicine-xeleris-xeleris 4-quantitation-image4.jpgQuantitate tracer uptake across any lesion or organ with Q.Metrix

product-product-categories-nuclear-medicine-xeleris-xeleris 4-quantitation-image6.jpgImprove neurologic SPECT workflow with fast, reproducible and accurate quantitation of I-123 loflupane SPECT data with DaTQUANT™

product-product-categories-nuclear-medicine-xeleris-xeleris 4-quantitation-image7.jpgPlan radioisotope therapy by measuring changes in tracer absorption over time with Dosimetry Toolkit
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In molecular imaging, every patient is an opportunity to make the true discovery that will change their life for the better. An opportunity to find the deeply hidden truth about their own disease. It’s an opportunity you take seriously as you work hard every day to influence the lives of as many individuals as possible

Our mission is to help you in yours. We partnered with people like you to understand what you need from your instruments. People with the intuition and skills to leverage current technologies and deliver better patient outcomes. Discovery 670 DR is our answer. More than a new imaging product, it’s a system for those dedicated to leading clinical discovery with hybrid imaging.



1Image quality as defined by an Artifact Index in Phantom testing. Data on file.

2When ASiR is installed, 3D Neuro filter will be disabled.

3In clinical practice, the use of VISR may reduce CT patient dose depending on the clinical task, patient size, anatomical location and clinical practice. A consultation with a radiologist and a physicist should be made to determine the appropriate dose to obtain diagnostic image quality for the particular clinical task.

4In clinical practice, the use of ASiR may reduce CT patient dose depending on the clinical task, patient size, anatomical location and clinical practice. A consultation with a radiologist and a physicist should be made to determine the appropriate dose to obtain diagnostic image quality for the particular clinical task.

5As compared with same SPECT study corrected by low dose CTAC with standard reconstruction.

6In clinical practice, Evolution options 6a (Evolution for Bone, Evolution for Cardiac, Evolution for Bone Planar) and Evolution Toolkit 6b are recommended for use following consultation of a Nuclear Medicine physician, physicist and/or application specialist to determine the appropriate dose or scan time reduction to obtain diagnostic image quality for a particular clinical task, depending on the protocol adopted by the clinical site.

6aEvolution Options - Evolution claims are supported by simulation of count statistics using default factory protocols and imaging of 99mTc based radiotracers with LEHR collimator on anthropomorphic phantom or realistic NCAT – SIMSET phantom followed by quantitative and qualitative images comparison.

6bEvolution Toolkit - Evolution Toolkit claims are supported by simulation of full count statistics using lesion simulation phantom images based on various radiotracers and collimators and by showing that SPECT image quality reconstructed with Evolution Toolkit provide equivalent clinical information but have better signal-to-noise, contrast, and lesion resolution compared to the images reconstructed with FBP / OSEM.

7Quantitative accuracy defined as equivalence* to well counter-measured injected activity in a test phantom.

*Equivalence means <11% difference when comparing measured counts in SPECT studies corrected by Q.AC-reconstructed CTAC to measured counts in studies corrected by benchmark reconstructed CTAC. Measured counts are defined as average within identical ROI’s positioned on SPECT reconstructed slices of homogenous 99mTc solution phantom study.

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